Shower Your Love to Bring Inclusivity
Diversity & Inclusion
Lower Attrition. More Engaged Workforce.
It has been proved time and again that most of the successful businesses owe a lot to the efforts they have put in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. Such workplaces have fostered creativity and innovation.
An inclusive workplace positions the employer as caring for the needs of the employees. Employees prefer to continue working in such organizations leading to less attrition and lowering the human resources costs.
Many organizations recognizing the need for inclusivity have taken the first step by creating a physical environment to cater to the needs of employees with disabilities.
However, they face difficulties in fully implementing inclusivity at the workplace due to various reasons.

Creating an inclusive ecosystem for Persons with Disabilities
Partnership with SAY Foundation
The SAY Foundation aims to create an inclusive ecosystem for Persons With Disabilities to empower them and help them become financially independent, self-sustainable and productive contributors of our nation.
Advising organizations on having a well-developed inclusion practices, collaborating with different complementing NGOs and actively working with Government on Policy Advocacy are other objectives of SAY Foundation.
Enabling Financial Inclusivity
Artificial Intelligence-Powered Job Portal
SAY foundation’s AI powered job portal caters exclusive to Persons with Disabilities (PwDs).
With the availability of a proper certified data bank we are well placed to identify and recommend the right employee for the roles identified in your organisation.
The employees registered on our portals are market ready.
Thus we make the process of placement of PwDs in your organization hassle free and quick.

100% Joy in Hiring PwDs
Persons With Disabilities (PwD) Hiring
With the support of our foundation, we are in a position to translate the vision of the management for an inclusive workplace into reality.
We start the process by in-depth studying of the businesses and identifying the correct roles which can be offered to PwD’S.
Identifying the correct roles goes a long way in making the efforts towards inclusivity at workplace successful.
Well-Developed Disability-Inclusion Policies
Organizational Benefits
Our experience shows that to enable the employee with disabilities perform to his/her potential it is imperative that there exists a proper support environment in the organization.
To enable this, we assess the existing environment against select parameters and design training programs to increase awareness and sensitize other employees.
Proper training and sensitation measures contribute to increasing the diversity and inclusivity in the organization thereby reducing employee turnover costs.